Emission Nebula Sh2-129 & OU4 - AR 21h 11m 32s DEC +59° 43' 03"
Date/Place2010-09-10 at Saint Barthèlemy (AO)
ScopeTakahashi FSQ85ED
IntegrationStack Ha+OIII+RGB with CCD @ -20°C
Ha: 8x1200sec.
RGB: 5x720sec.
OIII: 16x1800sec.
CommentVery rich area of sky, nice contrast between Sh2-129, VdB140 (reflection nebula) and the surrounding dust clouds. I added the OIII because I recently found out that there is an OIII-only nebula overlapped to Sh2-129. It is not known yet if it is a planetary nebula or some other weird object. Looking at the shape it would seem a planetary nebula shell in expansion, but let's see what they will find out.